Your future self is important. Here are 15 things to do today that your future self will thank you for…
Spend time doing something that makes you happy. Is it reading? Dancing? Surfing? Meditating? Whatever it is, do it.
Let go of the people/things that make you sad. If something or someone is holding you back and bringing negativity to your life, maybe it’s time to let go…
Declutter your life. Time for a spring clean perhaps! Less stuff = less stress!
Workout! Good for the body and good for the mind!
Tell those closest to you that you love and appreciate them.
Start on that project you’ve been putting off. No one will do it for you!
Say ‘yes’ to something new!
Spend time with the people that make you happy.
See new places and gain new experiences.
Know that you deserve good things and never feel guilty when they come to you.
Realise your excuse making and find a way to overcome your problems.
Laugh and then laugh some more.
Write a list of all the things you are grateful for.
Learn something new.
Think positive, smile, and share good energy.